Again, I had a great musical week...haaaaaaaaa It was all fun out.
Thursday 08-11-2011, legendary latin funk band <MANDRILL> was @ B.B King in NY. It was aaaaaa....AAAAA!!! So FUNKY and REAL! Oh my GOSH! MANDRILL, MANDRILL, MANDRILL!
Still they were mad funky and mad cool! It could be I was the youngest one there at the club... Old folks got Funk and got Crazy, screaming and dancing!!! It was nice to see them like that, powerful and energetic.
On Friday 08-12-2011, @ Dizzy's lincoln center Jazz I went to see my very great drummer friend, Willie Jones Ⅲ with Cedar Walton Quintet. That was very sexy Jazz...Again this old Jazz pianist, Cedar Walton is one of the legends. That is so good to hear him playing piano with funky cool Drummer Willie Jones.
Then Saturday,and Sunday 08-13/14-2011, I was with the legendary funk band <The BarKays>!!!!!!!! I had been waiting for them to come for months! This FUNK band came to NY from Memphis to play at Lincoln Center Jazz out of Doors show. Unfortunately as they got the Empire hotel on Saturday AM, it started dark in the sky and by the night we had a heavy rain...damn!
In this heavy rain we went out from Harlem to Village, ended up with the club called Groove. Another legendary drummer, Dennis Davis who played with Stevie Wonder, Roy Ayers, David Bowie, George Benson and more-took us around and showed NY to this Memphis BarKays Drummer, Carlos Sargent! It was very nice of him to take us around by his car...Thank you Dennis!
We wished this nasty rain gonna be dry out but our wish didnt get to the sky. Sound Check was from 1pm in heavy rain and the show was 7-8pm in real heavy rain!
We were not sure how many people were coming to see the show as it is outdoor. But once the show started, quite good amount people were there! I was very surprised! Also the BarKays did play some songs tribute to Otis Redding, Sam&Dave and more old school. You remember <SHAFT>? The original BarKays members recorded that song! And I could hear this SHAFT played by BarKays!!!Yey!!!
I wish I could hear more FUNK BarKays, but hold it till next time then...It was really great meeting some of my old and new good friends in NY!!! Like Darrahl Stanley and Bryan Nesbitt from the BarKays...real funny good people! I really had a great time spending time with you guys!

And the only original member-leader and Bass Player- James Alexander who was the only Bar-Kays member not aboard that flight as the plane, a Beechcraft owned by Redding, only held eight occupants (Redding, five of the Bar-Kays, the pilot and Redding's road manager) it was Alexander's turn in the rotation to board a commercial flight to the next destination. Alexander had the task of identifying the bodies of his bandmates, as well as that of Redding.After the crash, Ben Cauley, the sole survivor among those who were aboard the plane, worked with Alexander to reform the band. Subsequent work included the soundtrack recording of the Academy Award-winning theme song from the 1971 feature film Shaft, on which Alexander played bass guitar. As of 2010, Alexander continues on as the only original member in still-active Bar-Kays.
Also the Lead Vocal, Larry Dodson it was pleasure meeting you!
After the show we went to see Willie Jones at Dizzys again, another Drummers connection I made. I love Drummers! Well, I love musicians!!!It was great to see them together and talked deep music stuff and talking about NY how beautiful to be in NY for musicians!
Thank you very much for the fantastic weekend... ;-)
Great! the adventure continues.