The Jazz Cruise 2020, my experience with Covid19 in USA&Japan ①
MUSIC FAMILY on the Jazz Cruise 2020!
(Vince Ector(dr),Lafayette Harris Jr(p),Antonio Hart(sax),Robin Eubanks(tb),Karen Ector,Matthew Parrish(b) and Me)
Dianne Reeves(Vo)&Romero Lubambo(gt)
Dianne Reeves & Romero Lubambo ft. Big Band by John Clayton The Jazz Cruise 2020
When China announced about Covid19 the first time, which was Jan 2020, I was still in my hometown Kyoto, enjoying new years celebration with my family.
Kyoto is known as a tourist place, everyday very busy for tourists everywhere as we have so many important historical places, buildings, temples, shrines, and culture.
TV news suddenly told us that Japanese airpots are the most dangerous place to be, stay away if we do not want to be infected by Corona virus.
I already had an air-tickets to go to NYC for work on the Jazz Cruise which is one week on the Cruise with Jazz Legends and visiting Caribbean islands.
It was a tough decision if I should go to NY to take this cruise or not but after so many discussions with my family in Japan and USA, I finally decided to go.
It was really normal to wear masks in Japan in general but after Corona, literally EVERYONE started wearing masks.
I saw some Chinese Tourists still came out from Tour bus then and THEY did not wear masks, they said "Japan is safe but China is dangerous. So We wear masks on the bus but not outside"
At the airport in Osaka, only Japanese passengers wore masks and hands covered.
I was so terrified whole time during the flight but somehow I got JFK safe and took a cab. Arabian Cab Driver asked me " you have severe sick? " to see my mask.
I said, "you know, Corona virus from China. Airport is dangerous and I didnt want to get any virus, masks work to protect me and others" he laughed. "well take care".
When I joined my people in NY, I was still terrified and it was really hard for me to leave home without masks, but Americans did not get how important to wear mask for ourselves and others then.
I was asked not to wear it outside as I may get attacked for the mask, it says "I am the virus".
Very hard for me to change my mind and I was already traumatized then but I tried to go with American Custom not Japanese. But still tried to cover my mouth, eyes with sunglasses, washed hands often than most Americans.My Handmade masks
We took flights to go to Florida to get on the Jazz Cruise, it was Super Bowl Sunday. Packed everywhere. Hard to get hotels for musicians neither. We were lucky to be picked up by Cruise Crew and stayed at the hotel, got ready for the Cruise.
All the musicians took bus to the Cruise, but me, Lafayette Harris Jr(p) were on the same car with Houston Person (ts) driving, that was actually good as could have our private space.
Houston Person & Lafayette Harris Jr on the rental car
Sarivan Fortner (P)
When we were getting on the cruise, at the check-in, all Americans were easy to get keys but as soon as they saw my Japanese Passport, they were panicked and asked me so many questions.
"Did you go to China or Asian countries last 14days? Have you talked to someone from China or Asian Countries recently"etc... Well, I came from Japan but Japan was not pandemic yet then so I told them that then they gave me a pass. I looked around and only Asian passengers were asked those questions and extra time to check in...
During the Jazz Cruise it was hard to get outside news as wifi didn't work well on the cruise so Actually we had a great time with lots music and networking lot. I took so many photos and wrote an article about it for the Jazz Japan magazine which is former known as legendary "Swing Journal".
All of us incl Musicians had great time on the Cruise, Houston Person Quartet did their great works as usual, and was so nice to see other amazing musicians play all day long, everyday!More over, it was really nice to hang out with musicians for sightseeings or sat together at meals and exchange stories like reunion!
Houston Person &Lafayette Harris Jr on the Jazz Cruise 2020
Curt Elling(vo)
Benny Green(p)
When we reached KeyWest Florida, we could use wifi and saw how bad the Cruise was in Japan and pandemic going on.
Finally I really started facing it, we were still on the Cruise and most of the passengers were over 60 years old, Musicians too. Houston is over 80, so I told Lafayette we really have to be careful.
Houston Person(ts) on the Jazz Cruise2020
Luckily we all could came back to Miami safe and could go back to NY. (altho at the airport we found out my ticket was not bought and rushed buying it but at the end, we had a great time)
In NY, still same Brooklyn life was waiting and I finished the article, editing photos etc.
My article&photos in "JaZZ Japan Vol 116" |
Our dear friend, DOC gave us Knicks ticket at Madison Square Garden and first time I saw Hachimura fron DC team! Japanese NBA Player!
He reminds me of my dear best friends son TOSHIKI who is a gorgeous boy in Brooklyn.
It was packed and almost full house but soon after the NBA player was found his Covid19 infection and all games were cancelled.
Lafayette had a gig with legendary Archie Shepp(ts) so we flew to Oregon for PDX Jazz festival and stayed 3 days, explored Oregon nature and music scenes.
Archie Shepp(ts), wife Monet, &Avery Sharp(b)
Lafayette Harris Jr &Waterfalls in Oregon
Soon after, NYC was LockedDown on March 22 2020, all schools were closed, Parks were closed and restaurants were delivery only.
They found some sports players were infected by Covid19 so all sports games were cancelled and no more entertainment suddenly. Jazz Lincoln Center, Smalls, Vanguard.. all closed.
Kids stayed home but online classes were quite ready by then. Toshiki's mom said "Kids are home and actually we are busy helping his home works!"
We started cooking in the house, not to go out much. At Grocery shops, hard to find toilet papers, pasta, rice, soy milks, baby foods etc but vegetables, meats, other stuff were quite normal.
Whole Foods in Brooklyn
Musicians started working online, teaching, streaming live, lectures etc.
Work at home became general for most people.
Meanwhile NY Covid19 numbers kept increased and people finally started wearing masks, hand covers, facial covers.
Finally I was not the only one who was wearing masks.
BUT at the same time, Asian Harassment was started. My Asian friends were terrified to go out without any guards.
Japanese government released the announcement that the people from USA would be prohibited to get into Japan without 14days quarantine and PCR test results after March 25th.
I was very luck to have my ticket to go back to Japan on 23rd. And came back to Japan safe although the airport was like biohazard.... really scary and everyone did not trust each other.
After I came back to Japan, I stayed in my room at my parents house in Kyoto for 14 days, I even did not trust myself so I cleaned everytime after I used bathroom or toilets.
Especially I have my parents who are not young at all in the same house, I was extra careful.
Some of my friends in Japan and USA worried so they called me and checked on me if I am ok.
Meanwhile I started loosing some of my good musician friends, family in USA and I became panicked.
"I am in Japan peacefully but they are fighting everyday against this invisible virus. Anything I can do? Anything I should do?"
I made some YouTube videos for Japan to let people know what was going on with my real experiences. Still now I keep making it and prolly i keep doing it till Covid19 is vanished.
【日米でのコロナ体験談①】Covid-19 (Corona Virus Crisis) experience 2020
My newest article in "JaZZ Japan" vol 119 just came out and it was special edition for my experiences with Covid19. It is in Japanese but my photos and article are all over 7 pages.

My article&Photos in "JaZZ Japan Vol.119"
Some people told me about conspiracy theory about this Covid19 but if you loose someone whom you expected to meet when this is settled, you can not easy to say this is because of Trump or BillG. This virus actually took some peoples lives and put us in danger.
Not a joke.
SNS became Some kind of jokes with those irresponsible people, especially in Japan and I was really pissed off to see it anytime I saw.
Japan started almost normal life recently but after Covid19 is totally different life, prospect of life, future, world has changed. I am sure this the same case for lots people too.
I had not updated this Blog so long time since I started writing for Magazines or some Sites online with my photographies, but finally decided to write again as a journalist to let more people know what has been going on with real voices with real experiences.
Major Media tells you all? How much can you believe at this point?
What is truth and what is false information?
Only inner truth of yourself knows.
Please stay safe wherever you are, and share love while you can.
Life is only once and enjoy safe and healthy with your love one!
To be continued...
You can also find me In Japanese
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