Friday, August 28, 2020

【京都文化芸術支援~疫病退散祈願~TENGUE Project】岡崎・南禅寺&能~ Okazaki,Nanzenji temple area i...

Hello, Everyone!

I hope everyone is fine and enjoying in this stressful weird world and time. 
I updated my new video on YouTube for the Kyoto Cultural Art support for Covid19.
Since Covid19 was spread, we artists and journalists have big limitation to show our ability of Art and creativities.

Especially Shows like musical concerts or museums are prohibited in so many places.

Kyoto city decided to give out some money to support artists to create arts for Kyoto City who showed what we can for Kyoto city and living in Kyoto city.
I handed in some paperworks and they accepted my ideas that I named as "TENGUE PROJECT".

Then I created some videos which has music from NY and Kyoto Japan with Japanese sceneries.

As we have difficulties to travel anywhere. I hope you can experience my hometown kyoto how beautiful it is and how special it is with original music that is done by my friends.

Please support us, "LIKE" and "subscribe to my channel", so that shows more support to Kyoto city!

Hopefully you can come visit us soon too ;-)

In this video, specifically I made a music collaborated with Kyoto traditional Art that is called "Noh" play, which my friend from elementary school is a professional artists of Noh, and want more people to know about this beauty of "Noh".


Please learn about our traditional art that is called Noh. And hopefully You would love it, when you come to Japan, we can show you around!

Meanwhile, please stay safe!!!


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